Help! We're moving!

Seeking nonprofits or individuals for shared office-space

We've just learned that the rent-controlled building where Overtone Industries has kept a small office for more than a decade is being razed to make way for a skyscraper. 

Goodbye, old friend!

Now we are seeking a new office space in the city of Los Angeles by the end of August. 

We have been paying less than $600/month so we know a shared situation will almost definitely be necessary. Do you know of anyone looking for a shared office space - or are you looking for a shared office space? Hours can be arranged!

We are excellent roommates!

Please let us know if you have any tips to share at [email protected] - and if you are able to pitch in to help cover moving costs, we would be eternally grateful.


Miz O-Lan Jones, Artistic Director

Fahad Siadat, Executive Director

Michelle Magaldi, Producing Director

Liz Eldridge, Development and Communications Director

Board of Directors

Sabina Zuniga Varela, Nicki Harper, Paul Chwe Minchul An, Kate Noonan

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